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Only dead fish go with the flow

Isn’t it interesting that all the great saints were persecuted? Not because they were stupid or unintelligent but because they stood against power structures (like Government and religious hierarchy) and SPOKE TRUTH and were hated for this. In many respects they WERE NOT POPULAR. They weren’t the ones with the biggest stages. They were peculiar people.
It’s hard to maintain popularity and speak the truth. (We so desire to be accepted that we cater to the crowd) and we also fear the consequences of those in power so we trust others to speak for us (which is a horrible idea).
Real saints don’t bow to the fear of death or the fear of social rejection. They fear assimilation and lethargy. They fear the real God more then they fear the crowd.
There’s a war for your soul- there’s an invisible current pushing against you… to keep you neutered and lethargic.
To keep you from speaking against cultural norms and calling a spade a spade.
To keep you from knowing the REAL God and satisfied with a god that does not exist.
“No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth” – Plato
“If the world hates you keep in mind it hated me first” – Jesus
One of your preeminent duties is to CONSTANTLY evaluate if you have been lulled to sleep.
Have you allowed apathy and disillusionment to come upon you like a spell? Have you bought into ideologies that God never created?
Only dead fish go with the flow. ??
Self assessment rather than other assessment is the name of the game??


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